Thursday, July 20, 2006

You've Got to See This....

Check this out. I was trying to load our blog here, and I didn't rely on my bookmark. Since it's titled "Whiskey Business" and I knew it was hosted by Blogspot, I typed this in:

I got a big surprise. Don't worry, it's safe for work, but still... check it out.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Whiskey Soaked Speakers

Speakers made from 100-year old whiskey barrels.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Air Crew takes India's Prime Minister's Whiskey

Not the most ethical way to get a good bottle, but check it out. An Indian air crew allegedly stole a bottle of whiskey belonging to the Prime Minister. Officials say their actions were "completely cavalier and irresponsible in their behavior". Yeah, but who had the better time, once all was said and done? The people with the 29 bottles of top-grade whiskey, or those without?